The Place to Connect the Real World and the Virtual Reality
– Buddying office –

  1. interior

This is a project to convert a pep school to an office for a web creation company near Kamakura station. We have struggled with designing an office.

We have decided to put a big and firm “daikokubashira”, a central pillar in the office and set the desks around it. “Daikokubashira” not only means a central pillar but also means a father or “a breadwinner” in Japanese. Thus, we have made the office as if all the workers were one big family. We have used a freshly cut wood for the central pillar because we believe the energy of a living thing brings a good vibe to the space. We set the desks in a way they can’t see each other’s computer screens so that they can concentrate on their own work well.

We have designed the ceiling of the hallway which connects the meeting room and the office like a triangle roof.

We have also made white board walls so that they can participate in the meeting wherever they are in the office. There is a local train, “enoden” running right outside the meeting room, so the scenery is unique and interesting but the noises are a little loud. In order to shut the noises, we have used the inner window frame and closed the unnecessary holes.

Buddying Inc. creates the cutting edge of technology in this warm, wooden space.

We hope they change the world by interesting technology ideas right at this office.

Buddying office

Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa / Japan
Kamakura Station
January 2017
Reinforced concrete
Number of Floors
2nd floor